Following its first assessment by Robeco SAM, Worldline obtained an ESG score of 67/100 thus joining the TOP10 most performant companies in CSR
Bezons — 22 / 10 / 2019
Worldline, [Euronext: WLN] European leader in the payments and transactional services industry, has announced that for its first submission in the DJSI index, it entered directly into the TOP 10 leaders of its sector with a score of 67/100.

In 2019, Worldline has completed the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA) for the first time. The assessment resulted in Worldline obtaining a total score of 67/100 in the evaluation dedicated to the IT Software & Services industry, a sector which includes a panel of 82 participating companies across the world.
With this overall score, strongly boosted by a significant 85/100-rating in the environmental area, Worldline is currently positioned as the 10th best sustainable companies in its industry.
Regarding the environment, Worldline has been awarded with a good score for its environmental reporting which covers a 90%-wide perimeter and is based on a wide set of concrete environmental KPIs to monitor its performance related to energy consumption and CO2 emissions. This environmental score is also supported by an ambitious climate strategy, which is based on climate long term objectives to be achieved and an environmental policy including a climate risks and opportunities analysis related to its activities.
Founded in 1995, RobecoSAM is an investment specialist exclusively focused on Sustainability Investing. To this end, the organization offers a comprehensive palette of products including in-house asset management, Sustainability Indices, corporate sustainability assessments, active ownership and engagement, and customized portfolio benchmarking solutions.
Created jointly by S&P Dow Jones Indices and RobecoSAM, the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) are a family of best-in-class benchmarks for investors who have recognized that sustainable business practices are critical to generating long-term shareholder value and who wish to reflect their sustainability convictions in their investment portfolios.
« We are proud of having participated in the SAM Corporate Sustainability Assessment by obtaining a score of 67/100 for our first evaluation. Joining the TOP 10 of the most sustainable companies in our industry encourages us to go further in our CSR commitments and action plans to improve our non-financial performance and to have the opportunity to participate with the DJSI in the following next years. »
Sébastien Mandron, Worldline’s Corporate Social Responsibility Officer
About Worldline
Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payment and transactional services industry. With innovation at the core of its DNA, Worldline’s core offerings include pan-European and domestic Commercial Acquiring for physical or online businesses, secured payment transaction processing for banks and financial institutions, as well as transactional services in e-Ticketing and for local and central public agencies. Thanks to a presence in 30+ countries, Worldline is the payment partner of choice for merchants, banks, public transport operators, government agencies and industrial companies, delivering cutting-edge digital services. Worldline’s activities are organized around three axes: Merchant Services, Financial Services including equensWorldline and Mobility & e-Transactional Services. Worldline employs circa 11,000 people worldwide, with 2018 pro forma revenues of 2.2 billion euros.
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