An innovation boot camp: The 2020-21 WIN Learning eXpedition in ValJoly, France
04 / 11 / 2021
From October 13th to 15th, the 2020 and 2021 WIN Awards winners, along with the jury members of Worldline's annual internal innovation contest, gathered in ValJoly (North of France) for a 'boot camp'-themed trip focused on innovation. During these three intense days, they immersed themselves in a learning expedition that enabled them to challenge their creativity and discovery skills, while reflecting on the role, qualities, and practices of the innovator at Worldline.

From October 13th to 15th, the 2020 and 2021 WIN Awards winners, along with the jury members of Worldline's annual internal innovation contest, gathered in ValJoly (North of France) for a 'boot camp'-themed trip focused on innovation. During these three intense days, they immersed themselves in a learning expedition that enabled them to challenge their creativity and discovery skills, while reflecting on the role, qualities, and practices of the innovator at Worldline.
The agenda was full of exciting experiences and workshops mixing augmented reality, virtual reality, co-construction, improvisation, and communication.
The winners had the chance to meet with several brilliant speakers, including corporate philosopher who pondered what happens in the mind of someone who “thinks out of the box” and shared his own fresh perspective on this strategy. He argued that the most incredible ideas don’t come from just thinking beyond the perimeter of our current perception… but from relocating our minds to an entirely different box, where preconceived ideas don’t limit imagination.
In recognition of their talent, the winners of the 2020 and 2021 editions of the WIN Awards were invited to a ceremony in the presence of Christophe Duquenne, Group Chief Technology & Operations Officer.

Our winners also had the chance to get acquainted with the beautiful region of North of France and more specifically the forest of ValJoly. This refreshing outdoor gathering was all about fun and we can’t wait gathering with the next edition’s winners already.

The WIN Learning eXpeditions combine innovation with the discovery of a new place in Europe. Through this immersive trip, several of Worldline’s most talented innovators are invited to gather, get even more creative, make contact, start discussions and identify new innovation perspectives. Given the sanitary context, the setup of this edition was different from others but kept the same focus on innovation, discovery, team spirit and fun. You can find more insights about this trip and the previous ones by searching for the #WorldlineLearningExpedition hashtag on Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram.
The WIN Awards is Worldline’s internal annual innovation competition. This competition is designed to promote innovation throughout the company at the global level, highlight advanced or completed innovative projects and reward the best of them. The WIN Awards are opened to all employees in the company, who are invited to team up to submit an innovative project that was significantly advanced or completed during the previous year. Since their creation, the WIN Awards have gathered 1.100+ projects submitted by 1,800 innovators from 21 countries.
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