What´s a typical day in the life of a Business Development Manager at Worldline?
As a Business Development Manager a typical day for me starts with a morning coffee or tea, business meetings and scrolling through new emails. Then quickly verifying daily currency exchange rates and downloading a detailed analysis of our merchant accounts, including revenues. The day usually ends with a new request for proposal (RFP) for support and/or a training for a global/local merchant or even Worldline colleagues – they are all looking for an expert on DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion), our value-added in-house solution.
What´s the best thing about working at Worldline?
To me, the best thing about working at Worldline is that I get to work with, and learn from, the best people and experts from different fields of work. I also truly appreciate that Worldline is very eco-friendly and focused strongly on equal rights for all the employees. This makes everyone feel safe and respected at work, which is great!
How has Worldline helped you develop and grow professionally?
My personal development and growth have indeed accelerated since joining Worldline. I have developed my skills in handling merchants needs successfully, in looking at team needs, and I also learned how to actually think “outside the box”. Recently, I was also accepted into Worldline’s Expert Community, which means I will get the chance to further leverage and nurture my expertise and be part of an even bigger Worldline family. I have become a confident, high-level professional, and for some, even an example to follow.
What are the culture and people like at Worldline?
Each person is different at Worldline, which is a great benefit for all of us! We are a fascinating mixture of culture and skills. A great example is the team I am working in, consisting of 13 people with European, Middle Eastern, American, and Asian backgrounds – and we all perfectly complement each other!
What drives you at work?
I´m driven by all the great energy coming from Worldliners around me, and also by the satisfaction of our merchants. Meeting our merchant clients in person, not only through the perspective of numbers and data, brings me lots of energy.
Worldline has offices in more than 50 countries and actively promotes global mobility. If you were to relocate anywhere, where would you go and why?
Well, I have learned from experience to never say never. I could easily relocate myself anywhere where I could feel at home.
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