The Paypers Embedded Finance and Banking-as-a-Service - Report 2023
01 / 08 / 2023
Embedded finance categorisation, Web3 integration, and impact on DeFi.

The Paypers’ latest report explore key business models, industry consensus, and the roles of Embedded Finance actors in the value chain. Experts in fintech, banking, and technology have contributed their insights, making this an essential guide to the evolving landscape.
In the third chapter exploring the exciting realm of new business models, use cases, and applications, Worldline’s experts Hamish Johnston and Thibault Pele discuss the categorisation of Embedded Finance, how it merges with Web3, and its impact on DeFi.

Thibault Pelé
Product Manager CBDC at Worldline Financial Services
Thibault Pelé is Product Manager at Worldline Financial Services, exploring the potential of Digital Currency to shape the future of finance.

Hamish Johnston
Web 3 & Crypto Lead within Worldline Digital Commerce
Hamish Johnston is a Web 3 & Crypto Lead within Worldline Digital Commerce, leading our Crypto and Web 3.0 expansion.
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