The Paypers Cross-border and eCommerce Report 2022
22 / 12 / 2022
South Korea – E-commerce challenges and opportunities in ‘The Land of the Morning Calm’
The Cross-Border and Ecommerce Report 2022-2023 features a specific focus on the most relevant developments and trends currently governing public dialogue in cross-border ecommerce and cross-border payments.
In the ‘zooming in on cross-border payments’ section, Worldline expert Roman Tazetdinov, Head of Geo Expansion at Worldline’s Digital Commerce division, talks about South Korea, elaborating on the main ecommerce challenges and opportunities in 'the land of the morning calm'.
Roman Tazetdinov
Head of Geo Expansion, Digital Commerce, Worldline
Roman Tazetdinov is the Head of Geo Expansion at Worldline’s Digital Commerce division servicing enterprise level merchants. He has been a key driver of the company’s exclusive payments acceptance in new geographies. Roman is a full stack online payments development leader with 17 years of experience.
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