Your simple guide to online payments | eBook
28 / 04 / 2023
Payments are part of our everyday lives, whether you’re a merchant or a customer. But how much do you really know about payments? And do you know what goes into creating a frictionless payment experience?
91 9 ORDERS online per shopper, per month
%83 increase in online sales for merchants with a physical store
%53 have ordered from an international website in the last year
Every online transaction involves many parties to the funds from the shopper to your merchant bank account while keeping the whole process quick and secure. Having a good understanding of these processes will help you refine your operations for a better customer experience and allow you to step in at the right part of the process if there’s an issue, reducing disruption and costs.
You can significantly increase your conversion rates and sales by offering the right payment methods for your audience and improving the customer experience.
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