tap on mobile

Worldline Tap on Mobile

Cashless payments for your point of sale app.

Contact us

Add a payment solution to your point of sale app and improve the shopping experience for your customers. You do not need any additional hardware for this. Worldline Tap on Mobile interacts directly with your cash register software app – accept cashless payments via your Android device and simplify your internal processes. The app-to-app integration is simple and fast, and the payment process is started directly from the POS app. There is no need to enter the amount manually.


Tap on Mobile can be easily connected to your existing cash register software app via Worldline Payment Interface (WPI). The payment solution provides an enhanced payment experience – payment is triggered directly from your point of sale app. With Tap on Mobile, you can accept Visa and Mastercard credit and debit cards as well as mobile means of payment directly from your Android smartphone or tablet.


The following partners have already integrated Worldline Tap on Mobile


SoftwareCompanySales Switzerland
Apro KassensystemeApro Kassensysteme GmbHSycopa GmbH
XeniaXeno-Data GmbHFLM Kassensysteme AG
Schultes KassensystemeSCHULTES Microcomputervertriebs GmbH & Co. KGFLM Kassensysteme AG
  E. Jost SA
GASTROTOUCHComputersysteme ViertlAPD Addimat AG
Melzer X3000MELZER GMBHX3000 Schweiz Gmbh
  Keller & Dürr Kassensysteme AG
  Rolf Christener Kassensysteme Ostermundigen
swiss delicious® GmbHswiss delicious® GmbHswiss delicious® GmbH
TCPOSZucchetti Switzerland SAZucchetti Switzerland SA
AidaHuber & Kreuzeder OG X Software SolutionsMR Digital GmbH
TiPOSTiPOS GmbHHofer Kassensysteme GmbH

Have we sparked your interest?

Check with your cash register software provider to see if Worldline Tap on Mobile can be combined with your point of sale app. Please note that the list of integrations is updated on an ongoing basis and is not binding.

If your cash register software provider does not yet offer integration with Tap on Mobile, we would be happy to hear from you.