cCredit - Fast, secure, reliable and customer-friendly
A software terminal integrated into your checkout system that enables cashless payments - with the support of numerous customer-friendly value-added solutions: That is cCredit from Worldline. The terminal manages the entire card payment process together with a simple Pinpad. Fast, secure and reliable.
As an internationally compatible solution for cashless payments, cCredit supports all standard payment types - both nationally and internationally. The software terminal integrated into your checkout system also enables the hassle-free processing of numerous added-value solutions (Dynamic Currency Conversion DCC, customer/voucher cards, etc.). With cCredit it is therefore ensured that your customers will always remember every shopping experience positively.
Depending on your requirements and needs, cCredit will be installed locally on your checkouts or operated from a central server. In any case, the one-off integration in your system is both quick and straightforward. After completing the integration, you will have access to a standardised payment solution, which is currently available in 29 countries.
Using the cCredit Management Console (cMC), Worldline is able to offer a practical, web-based support application that will give you lots of information from your payment terminals retrievable in real time. With the cMC you can check the details of any payments made as well as your payment terminal configuration. Both you and your branch staff will experience a real reduction in workload when servicing is required: the cMC supports the Worldline helpdesk with a range of remote service functions, thus enabling the quick elimination of any interference on a device without burdening branch members of staff.
Have we aroused your interest?
Get in touch with us - we'll be happy to show you how you can increase your turnover with cashless payment options.