Worldline’s 2022 Annual General Meeting
Paris La Défense, — 09 / 06 / 2022
Worldline [Euronext: WLN] , leader in the payments industry held today its Annual General Meeting chaired by Mr Bernard Bourigeaud, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Approval of all resolutions submitted by the board of directors
Paris La Défense, June 9, 2022 - Worldline [Euronext: WLN] , leader in the payments industry held today its Annual General Meeting chaired by Mr Bernard Bourigeaud, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
The General Shareholders Meeting was held physically and gathered a large quorum of 80.67%. It was broadcast live and is available for replay on the Company's website.
All resolutions have been approved. The General Meeting approved, in particular, the Company and consolidated accounts for the financial year ending December 31st, 2021, as well as the related-parties agreement submitted to its approval. It also ratified the transfer of the Company's registered office.
The General Meeting approved the renewal of Director’s term of office of Mrs. Mette Kamsvåg[1], Mrs. Susan M. Tolson1, Mrs. Caroline Parot1, Mr Georges Pauget1, Mr Luc Rémont1 and Mr Michael Stollarz, for a term of three (3) years. The General Meeting also renewed Mr Jos Dijsselhof as Censor for a one-year period. Mr Georges Pauget remains Lead Director following its renewal and all renewed directors assigned to commitees retain their membership.
The shareholders also voted in favor of the renewal of Deloitte & Associés as Statutory Auditors.
At the end of this General Meeting, the Board of Directors of Worldline comprises 19 Directors, including two Directors representing the employees Mrs Marie-Christine Lebert, whose term was renewed, and Mr Olivier Lorieau, who was newly appointed), one Censor and a representative of the Social and Economic Committee. With 70% of independent Directors, the composition of the Board is well-balanced and allows an adequate representation of its main shareholders and strategic partners. The Board is composed of 41% by women and of a diversity of profiles that ensures solid and complementary skills.
Furthermore, the General Meeting approved the elements of compensation and benefits granted to Mr Bernard Bourigeaud, Chairman of the Board of Directors, to Mr Gilles Grapinet, Chief Executive Officer, and to Mr Marc-Henri Desportes, Deputy Chief Executive Officer for 2021. The General Meeting also approved the 2022 compensation policies applicable to the corporate officers.
The Shareholders approved the renewal of the authorization granted to the Board of Directors with regards to share buybacks, as well as the authorizations and financial delegations regarding the issue of shares and/or securities notably with and without preferential subscription rights of shareholders, as the case may be.
The delegations granted to the Board to increase the share capital reserved for employees who are members of a company or group savings plan or employees of the Company’s foreign subsidiaries were also renewed.
The shareholders also approved the authorization granted to the Board to allocate performance shares and stock-options of the Company to employees and/or corporate officers of the Company or Group companies.
The results of voting on all resolutions submitted to Shareholders are available on the Company’s website:
Investor Relations
Laurent Marie
+33 7 84 50 18 90
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+33 6 75 51 41 47
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About Worldline
Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is a global leader in the payments industry and the technology partner of choice for merchants, banks and acquirers. Powered by 20,000 employees in more than 50 countries, Worldline provides its clients with sustainable, trusted and innovative solutions fostering their growth. Services offered by Worldline include instore and online commercial acquiring, highly secure payment transaction processing and numerous digital services. In 2021 Worldline generated a proforma revenue close to 4 billion euros.
Worldline’s corporate purpose (“raison d’être”) is to design and operate leading digital payment and transactional solutions that enable sustainable economic growth and reinforce trust and security in our societies. Worldline makes them environmentally friendly, widely accessible, and supports social transformation.
[1] Independent Director