pressrelease Belfius
Bezons, France — 19 / 06 / 2017
This morning Worldline launched a press release announcing that customers of Belfius Bank who have the Belfius Mobile application can now make payments with their Android compatible mobile telephone by holding it close to a payment terminal equipped with contactless technology.

This morning Worldline launched a press release announcing that customers of Belfius Bank who have the Belfius Mobile application can now make payments with their Android compatible mobile telephone by holding it close to a payment terminal equipped with contactless technology. They do not necessarily need to take their Bancontact, Maestro, Mastercard or Visa card out of their wallet anymore.
equensWorldline has developed the necessary technology to make this possible. It is the first solution available on the Belgian market that makes contactless payments possible with Bancontact, the preferred payment means of the Belgians. This innovation is bound to change radically the way consumers pay in the months and years to come.
Read full press release on the Worldline site.