What role will payments play in delivering the future of Mobility as a Service (MaaS)? | Webinar
21 / 05 / 2022
Learn the winning combination for transport between payments specialists, banks, acquirers and card schemes, and how to open payment transactions, reduce costs and cash handling and open up additional revenue opportunities. Discover what the future of MaaS has installed.
The hour-long virtual session analyses what the winning combination is for transport between payments specialists, banks, acquirers and card schemes, and how open payment transactions reduce costs and cash handling and open up additional revenue opportunities
Instant Payments Back-Office - For Switzerland | Brochure
En savoir plus -
SmartBuyGlasses a connu une croissance exponentielle, se lançant sur 15 nouveaux marchés mondiaux depuis l'installation d'un nouveau service de paiement complet.
Worldline étend son partenariat sur le long terme avec KBC pour les services émission de cartes
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Scheme tokenisation