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Recurring Payments

Flexible solution for recurring payments based on SEPA Direct Debit.

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Recurring Payments within the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)

Recurring payments, also known as subscription payments, are a type of payment arrangement where a customer authorizes a merchant or service provider to automatically charge their account at regular intervals. This arrangement is commonly used for ongoing services such as subscription-based products (e.g., monthly deliveries of a beauty box), online memberships (e.g., monthly access to a streaming service), and utility bills (e.g., monthly electricity bills).

Such regular payments are mostly executed as SEPA Direct Debits (SDD). Worldline offers a convenient and secure payment solution that enables corporates and banks to manage SEPA mandates throughout its entire lifecycle (creation, validation via e-signature, archiving, etc.), process SEPA Direct Debits (one-time or recurring) and SEPA Credit Transfers (ongoing or scheduled). 

SEPA Payments Suite, a convenient and secure payment solution

SEPA Payments Suite is a secure payment solution for easy SEPA mandate management, efficient direct debits, and credit transfer refunds. It enables corporates and banks to manage SEPA mandates throughout its entire lifecycle, process SEPA Direct Debits (one-time or recurring) and SEPA Credit Transfers (ongoing or scheduled).

Value for Merchants / Service Providers (Debtors)

  • · Lower payment costs compared to cards.
  • · Fully compliant and trustworthy payment mean.
  • · Full control of the payment process (in combination with billing).
  • · Reduced payment failures.
  • · Higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • · Payment guarantee for high value transactions.
  • · Secure payment transaction via fraud checks.
  • · Convenient user experience – only one time setup.
  • · Environmental friendly (no paper).

Value for consumers (Creditors)

  • · No missed or late payments.
  • · Convenient payment method - no further interaction after payment setup.
  • · Clear control of payment means by defining the mandate (creditor, amount, frequency).
  • · Full control over the payments due to regular payment pre-notifications.
  • · Possibility of payment reject in case of unauthorized payment.
  • · Very secure payment mean (trust).
  • · No risk of transferring money to the wrong payee.

Our SEPA Payment Suite (SPS) differentiators:

Benefits for a wide range of customers

SEPA Direct Debit

In order to use SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) as a payment method the consumer has to sign a mandate that authorizes the creditor to debit money from the consumer’s account. This mandate contains information about the payer e.g. name, IBAN and signature date. 14 days before each debit transaction, the creditor has to inform the consumer (debtor) about the payment due date and the amount. The SDD enables the bank of the creditor (e.g. merchant, corporate or reseller) to collect money from the consumer´s (B2B/B2C) account on a regular basis.

Our SEPA solution provides an entire mandate lifecycle management as well as the processing of SEPA Direct Debit and SEPA Credit Transfers. You can be sure to get paid even if the SEPA Direct Debit is refused by the consumer bank, thanks to our Payment Guarantee option. This valuable feature will mitigate your risk of non-payment and reduce your effort of analysing R-Transactions and dunning process.


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