Saferpay test account
Saferpay offers the possibility to test all interfaces in a specially for you created test account
Saferpay Test Account
Saferpay offers the possibility to test all interfaces in a specially for you created test account.
The Saferpay test account allows you to implement Saferpay into your system and make test transactions over several payment simulators before going live.
Looking for the entry to the Saferpay test Backoffice?
Please consult the licence matrix in the JSON API documentation in order to evaluate which functions are available with which licence.
Using Saferpay JSON API with the test account
To ensure that the requests are sent to the test account, you are required to adjust the base URL for requests.
Base URL: https://test.saferpay.com/api
All other URLs are derived from this base URL. For example:
Credentials for HTTP Basic Authentication can be created in the test Backoffice under "Settings > JSON API Basic Authentication"
JSON API Online Help
Do you need help with the integration?
You can now also view the Saferpay specifications and documentations online. This includes a number of examples which you can use as well as a full parameter description for all interfaces to and from Saferpay.
Saferpay Test Data
Information on test cards and simulators can be found in our documentation.
New certificate for test environment
For the Saferpay test environment (https://test.saferpay.com) the SSL security certificate was renewed. Modifications on your site are not necessary in most cases, because normally a certificate is updated automatically.
The new certificate must be imported only if you use your own truststore.
Download of the new certificate
You can download the new certificate for https://test.saferpay.com here: Certificate test environment (zip).