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Dynamic Currency Conversion for card payments

Benefit from an attractive rebate on every transaction with DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion)

Dynamic Currency Conversion DCC allows your international customers to pay in their card currency wherever they may be. This service not only offers your customers genuine added value, but you will also benefit from an attractive commission with every transaction.

After Worldline has set up your DCC service for free, your payment terminals will automatically recognize foreign cards and conveniently suggest customers pay in their usual currency. The buyer sees the total amount in their own currency, pushes a button to confirm the transaction – and will feel right at home. And thanks to the best rate guarantee from Worldline, your customers will always enjoy the best possible exchange rate. DCC enables you to meet the needs of your international customers even better than before. Plus, you’ll also receive a tidy commission every time one of your customers pays with automatic currency conversion, which in turn reduces your overall costs. Last but not least, the free DCC report means you will always have an overview of your additional revenues and any currently untapped savings potential.

Find out in our video how DCC works and how you can additionally benefit from the service


Currency conversions at the touch of a button

DCC is available for the following currencies:

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