Magic Pass

Dynamic Currency Conversion DCC

Facts and figures concerning Dynamic Currency Conversion

With DCC, you can offer your international customers a transparent service for automatic currency conversion and also increase your sales thanks to attractive rebates.

You can find everything merchants need to know about DCC by Worldline here.
Order materials for your POS or refine your knowledge of Worldline dynamic currency conversion by clicking through the DCC training documents.

Your benefits with DCC

  • Attractive rebate on every transaction with DCC
  • Exchange rate updated daily
  • Available in all standard currencies
  • No additional expenses – the payment process is the same
  • Transparency thanks to the immediate display of the amount in the card currency on the terminal

The benefits for your customers

  • Your customers can pay directly in the card currency
  • Best rate guarantee
  • Transparency thanks to the immediate display of the amount in the card currency on the terminal
  • No additional costs.
    Mark up and exchange rate are included.