Acquiring that helps, not hinders, growth.
Whatever the shape or size of your business, Worldline Acquiring will keep your global acquiring simple. We handle in-store and online payments across 80+ acceptance currencies and every imaginable way to pay - perfect if your ambition is to enable customers to pay or receive money easily, or if you want to expand abroad. Onboarding is simple too, with fast payouts assured.
Help your customers pay their way.
From the word go, you’ll deliver even better customer experiences with Worldline Acquiring by offering a huge range of international and local payment methods – including wallets and crypto – in 80+ currencies. And thanks to Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC), you can offer customers a real choice when it comes to the currency they’d like to use for payment. In short, we'll help you to focus on building your business.
International and local cards
Mobile payments
Generate QR code to enable faster payment
Value added services
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Altre cose che possono interessarvi
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