woman receiving payment on terminal

Token Management

Creating more secure and convenient digital payments.

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EMV tokenization for streamlined payment processes.

With the pace of technology adoption constantly accelerating, digital payments and tokenization have become key enablers allowing banks to stay in the race for innovation. Tokenization benefits both issuers and consumers by increasing approval rates, diminishing transaction time and reducing fraud-related costs while offering convenience, simplified user experience and increased card security.

The future of money is digital

Token-based payments offer similar experiences as regular card-based transactions with enhanced safety and convenience thanks to EMV tokenization. By substituting existing card details with a unique code, tokenization allows cardholders to make digital payments without exposing their bank details and offers them seamless and secure payments with mobile and wearable devices.


Tokenisation affords the added advantage of guaranteeing payment continuity even when cards are lost, stolen or expired.

Benefits of tokenisation

The behind-the-scene tokenization technology offers banks an innovative and differentiating solution empowering them to compete with FinTechs and Neo banks.


Tokens significantly reduce the number of risky transaction elements impacting fraud-scoring. This results in higher authorisation approval rates and fewer false declines and keeps banks’ tech-savvy cardholders satisfied.

Token Management

Token Management is a solution for issuing banks to act as an “Issuer Token Service Provider” and enable their cardholders to benefit from token-based payments in stores, in apps and on the web. As a token orchestrator service for ITSP,  Token Management provides a wide range of offerings and options to meet the business needs of our clients.

Why Token Management?

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Convenient payments with mobile devices

Learn how tokenization can help cards issuing banks to improve their cardholder’s digital payment experience.

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