PIDF and last mile acceptance – What are the opportunities and how can they be engaged | Podcast

21 / 06 / 2024

In this episode, we delve into an important topic of Importance of PIDF and last mile acceptance – What are the opportunities and how can they be engaged. With us today is Mr. Sunil Rongala, Senior Vice President - Strategy and Innovation - India at Worldline, who will share his insights on this topic.

1 min.

podcast episode 5

In this episode, we explore the history of the Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) scheme launched by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). The RBI announced the creation of the PIDF to encourage acquirers to deploy Points of Sale (PoS) infrastructure (physical and digital modes) in tier-3 to tier-6 centres and northeastern states. The discussion also delves into the opportunities that arise from the PIDF scheme, such as financial inclusion, technology innovation, partnership, and collaboration. We also touch upon who manages the PIDF fund and how the opportunities can be leveraged to further boost the digitization of payment systems.

Also, read the latest blogpost by Mr. Sunil Rongala, Senior Vice President - Strategy and Innovation - India at Worldline

Listen to the full podcast episode to better understand this intriguing discussion around PIDF. We value your feedback and suggestions for future episodes. Please share your thoughts and let us know which topics you want us to cover next. You can reach us at – ⁠⁠⁠⁠