Harnessing AI to Achieve Hyperautomation in Payments

01 / 08 / 2021

The advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) has enabled businesses to automate increasingly complex tasks.

illustration artificial Intelligence

The combination of an increasingly digitised world and the advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) over the last decade now enables businesses to automate increasingly complex tasks. This strategic trend, known as hyperautomation, is driving cost savings and is expected to save 20-30% of human effort. It is also enabling entirely new business models and ways of working.

At Worldline we have harnessed hyperautomation to boost the fight against fraud. Against a backdrop of retailers potentially losing $130 billion to online payment fraud by 2023, Worldline has already exploited AI to analyse billions of transactions and increase fraud prevention by up to 30%.

Strategic decision makers must understand how to apply hyperautomation to navigate the future of business. Learn how you too can benefit from AI-based hyperautomation to transform your business today.

"One of the remarkable features of the human brain is its ability to form memories and use that repository of experience to detect patterns. This is what enables an expert to make accurate judgments often without explicitly knowing exactly why. How the brain achieves this feat is only now beginning to be understood. Translating the principles we discover from observing the brain into technology is revolutionizing how we build software and companies. This paper provides an excellent summary for the potential that this paradigm shift has for the financial industry. There is no doubt in my mind that a continued close interaction between neuroscience research and neuro-inspired technology will be what propels companies to be thought leaders in this industry."

Prof. Dr. Ueli Rutishauser,

Neuroscientist working on memory and neurotechnology, California Institute of Technology and Cedars-Sinai

"This paper comprehensively explains the essence of hyperautomation: the technology – great data and clever automation – coupled with the needs of people – explainability of AI recommendations and an organisation culture that embraces change. The report describes the state-of-the-art in AI and payment systems and illustrates the key takeaways with lessons learned at Wordline."

Prof. Dr. Rafael Lalive,

Professor of Economics at HEC Lausanne and member of the Swiss National Science Task Force on COVID-19

Evolve From Automation to Hyperautomation

Automation has traditionally focused on simple, repetitive tasks, replacing unskilled labour with machines and software code. Now, the increased availability of computer power coupled with readily available state-of-the-art open-source algorithms has made it possible to automate more complex tasks. This trend, of applying “advanced technologies, including AI and machine learning (ML), to increasingly automate processes” is known as “hyperautomation” and has been identified by Gartner as the number one strategic technology trend in 2020.

  • Hyperautomation can be used to boost efficiency, but it can also enable entirely new ways of working and business models. See how it can transform your business.

Develop Enterprise Data Capabilities

For an organization to leverage AI for decision-making within its core business, there is a pre-requisite for the organization to be data-aware. Organisations who achieve a high level of data maturity will be able to create even more value from hyperautomation. By understanding and leveraging data to train and deploy AI models into their business processes they will be able to use AI to make decisions, either by advising humans or by acting completely autonomously.

  • Shift from data-naïve to data-driven to end the “data rich but decision poor” scenario.

Start Your Own Journey

Savvy businesses are not only looking to optimise what they do today: they are using hyperautomation to enable new business models and deliver highly personalised customer interactions. The journey to hyperautomation is not an easy one, it requires the right mix of skills, technical infrastructure and data maturity to be able to spot great use cases for AI and then implement and scale them rapidly.

  • Discover the roadmap that will help navigate your business through this transformational journey.