woman with her digital passport

Digital Identity

Digital identity for a secure, seamless user experience.

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A complete digital identity portfolio for a frictionless user experience.

With the advent of the EU Digital Identity Wallet which will establish a unified digital identification system to keep data secure across the continent, the market for digital identity solutions is set to take off.

To put it simply, digital identity unlocks pretty much everything and makes everyday life, including payments, much easier and simpler.

By leveraging the power of biometrics, digital identity systems track and manage identities in an efficient, user-friendly, secure, and less open-to-fraud manner. Driven by the increasing demand from consumers and businesses for trusted services, like identity verification and electronic signature, that require appropriate identification and authentication strategies, the market continues to evolve rapidly.

Biometrics and password less authentication

Worldline ID Center uses biometric characteristics, ID tokens (FIDO2 tokens and smart cards), or a combination of the two, for maximum security. Unsecure and inconvenient passwords can be replaced to further increase both security and usability. If this is still not enough, the solution can be combined with Worldline Trusted Authentication. Our Worldline ID Center solution also significantly reduces the volume of help desk calls and ensures compliance with government regulations concerning the protection of sensitive data.

Verify the identity with the required degree of reliability with Worldline ID Proofing Hub

Worldline ID Proofing Hub allows to remotely identify a person using the services of several market-leading specialist providers (PVID, or Prestataires de service de Vérification d’Identité à Distance as they are called in France, certified by European standard ETSI 119 461). In line with EU standards which require a video recording of a physical identity document to better capture security elements of the document remote identity proofing, our solution uses processes such as remote self-registration based on ID document video, face matching and liveness detection that can be used anywhere and at any time.

Bring confidence in digital transactions with Worldline Trusted Services

We are an eIDAS Qualified Trusted Services Provider. We can deliver digital certificates to apply electronic signature, timestamp token to guarantee an exact date/time as well as electronic archiving to preserve the legal proof of the digital transactions.

Trusted identities and secure authentication with Worldline ID Center

Worldline ID Center is a highly-versatile CIAM/IAM product which provides standardised identity provider interfaces (OIDC, SAML2.0). The excellent interoperability with various digital identity services to identify and authenticate end-users, improves the user experience and reduces fraud. This will allow our customers to engage with its end-users regardless of their authentication means using the same interface meaning less integration costs. The architecture implements the eIDAS Level of Assurance (LoA) concepts.

See how one of our customers in Austria – Ich.app – is leveraging Worldline ID center and Worldline Trusted Authentication to provide a multi-purpose digital ID to end users. 

Use cases for Digital Identity Hub

With the arrival of the European Digital Identity Wallets supervised by the eIDAS regulation, significant changes are expected in how we share personal information daily. Worldline guides relying parties and wallet issuers through this transition.

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