Digital Security Suite
Protect your devices against cyber threats
Request information Download our brochureSecure your devices against frauds thanks to an AI-Powered solution.
The digital threat landscape is constantly evolving, with fraudsters employing ever more innovative tactics to target businesses and their users. In recent years, we have witnessed an increase in sophisticated forms of fraud, especially « authorised payment transactions » fraud such as impersonation, app scams and deepfakes. These methods are increasingly affecting end users and financial institutions, making them prime targets for such malicious activities. To effectively combat these threats and provide robust protection for your activities, Worldline Digital Security Suite harnesses the power of artificial intelligence, offering a defense against digital security threats.
%30 improved fraud detection using AI scores

Who can benefit from Digital Security Suite?
Fraud detection is essential in a variety of use cases
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Guarantee security at each stage of your digitalisation journey.
We can support you across the whole value chain of the digital identity process: from identification to authentication and fraud detection.