TRUST 2020: 5 years of a successful CSR transformation programme | Worldline
01 / 10 / 2021
Since its IPO in 2014, Worldline has committed to a voluntary Corporate Social Responsibility CSR approach, strongly supported its TRUST 2020 Programme, reflecting its long term commitment and ambition toward sustainable development Let’s talk TRUST 2020 Programme’s success with Sébastien Mandron, our Group CSR officer

TRUST 2020 has revealed as a key enabler for mobilizing our whole organisation around the 13 objectives to be achieved by 2020 in our Group’s CSR strategic axes. The associated Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), representing commitments with specific and measurable targets, have been a strong catalyst to transform our Company in a more sustainable way and has proven to be a real success. Discover in this article what were the foundations and content of the TRUST 2020 and how we have made it possible to turn it into a successful programme!
TRUST 2020 into 3 questions to Sébastien Mandron, Worldline CSR Officer
The Worldline TRUST 2020 CSR Programme has come into an end, what do you get from it in terms of concrete results and performance?
By launching our TRUST 2020 Programme in 2015, we had the firm intention to demonstrate and reflect compliance, transparency and a strong level of engagement towards our various stakeholders regarding CSR matters. By placing “TRUST at the heart of everything we do”, we aimed at creating and developing long-term relationships within our ecosystem, while positively acting for a more sustainable development. Given this ambition, we decided to define and implement a transformation programme which will enable us to boost our CSR performance and capability in every material challenge we face with in a very pragmatic way.
The TRUST 2020 Programme, supported by a set of 13 publicly available Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the areas of business, people, value chain & ethics and the environment has been a key enabler for mobilising the whole organisation and has resulted in a high level of achievement regarding our main CSR commitments.
Specific highlights include:
- Structural and significant progress has been made regarding security and quality of service;
- A significant increase in customer satisfaction has been achieved, supported by a growth of our revenue generated by our sustainable offers that provide our clients with CSR benefits to leverage sustainability within their own ecosystem.
- Employee satisfaction, as measured by the Trust Index of the Great Place to Work survey, has increased by more than 15 points from 50% to 65% surpassing the initially fixed target of 60%. This approach, fully embedded in our People Management strategy, has become an extremely important metric for managers to improve employee well-being.
- A more systematic monitoring of our supply chain has been enforced in order to better influence our suppliers to improve their CSR performance and to implement the highest standards in terms of responsible practices and behaviours.
- There is now strong and efficient environmental awareness about CO2-eq emissions reduction challenges within Worldline. We became the first company to contribute to carbon neutrality in the payment industry in 2018.
- To discover the full achievements of our TRUST 2020 Programme, please refer to the detailed dashboard below or pages 70-71 of our Integrated Report 2020.
What are the key take away and lessons learnt from TRUST 2020 you would like to highlight in a qualitative way?
In the business area and regarding the ambitious objectives we set ourselves to leverage our CSR most material challenges, we can notice that:
- Quality management has been industrialized to improve monthly monitoring of response time and availability of our Platforms and thus accelerating incidents solving;
- Security processes, policies & practices have been reinforced and harmonised within our organisation;
- CSR has become a prerequisite to generate customer satisfaction and a competitive advantage in RFIs.
Regarding people-oriented challenges, the main improvements to be underlined are the following:
- Employer brand has been strengthened and ease to attract the best talent in the market;
- Well–being approach has improved Employee satisfaction, engagement and our capacity to retain the best talents of the market;
- Gender Equity has been engaged but execution remains challenging are target is clearly missed.
In terms of Ethics and supply chain CSR challenges, the main results are that:
- Worldline CSR performance and progress have been recognized by leading extra-financial rating agencies and are used to leverage sustainability alongside our value chain;
- Monitoring of supplier risks has been installed and will be industrialized to face new SC challenges.
And finally, regarding our environmental challenges, the main successes are that:
- Worldline has become the first “Carbon Neutral” Company in its industry;
- Worldline CO2 reduction objectives have been approved by the SBTi (Science Based Target initiative);
- Worldline has implemented its own Environmental Management System (EMS) and 66% of its main offices and strategic data centres are currently ISO 14001 certified.
At Group level, what are the main benefits of such an approach?
The TRUST 2020 Programme has clearly revealed itself as the transformation vehicle for those past five-years. By mobilizing all our organisation and teams in the same direction, at global and local level and whatever the functions concerned are, TRUST 2020 brings us the opportunity to concretely demonstrate to our stakeholders that:
- Onboarding everyone in the long term is a key step to act in an integrated way and to provide a global picture on how financial and non-financial are intertwined and create positive and sustainable value for our Group and our ecosystem;
- KPIs tracking year after year with long term targets to be achieved is a very pragmatic way to progress and improve CSR performance;
- Being based on a long and strategic horizon with a high level of ambition allows to strengthen the credibility and efficiency of our CSR approach.
As a result, and despite key acquisitions at Group level resulting in an extended scope and new CSR challenges in our roadmap, our CSR efforts have been recognized worldwide and our ratings from the most leading non-financial agencies have increased during the past five years. To learn more about our CSR recognition and ratings, please refer to our CSR webpage.
Based on those encouraging results and lessons learnt, we now have the intention to confirm and accelerate the momentum by launching our new TRUST 2025 Programme.
This is our new CSR roadmap for the next five years, covering new CSR challenges related to evolving market trends and Group’s growth and corporate strategy, a higher level of ambition and commitments and a stronger governance. We aim at staying a CSR leader in our industry for the years to come, by applying the best ESG practices and by involving all our stakeholders in our CSR journey in order to create a virtuous circle for our society and our planet. To learn more about our TRUST 2025 Programme and discover our new ambitions, please read our dedicated PR, our Integrated Report 2020 or visit our CSR dedicated webpage in the “About us” section of our corporate website.
For more information about Worldline CSR journey, feel free to contact Sébastien Mandron, our Group CSR Officer