Stablecoins Next generation regulated digital currencies
01 / 02 / 2021
Highly volatile cryptocurrencies with limited applicability have been around for more than ten years But now that stablecoins are taking centre stage the practical use is back in focus Both private companies and central banks around are using stablecoins for a wide variety of purposes Read this article to learn more about this cryptocurrency

More than ten years have passed by since Bitcoin first saw the light of the day. Bitcoin was the implementation of a revolutionary, subversive idea pointed primarily at the incumbent banking system, and it came in a package of three elements: an underlying technology called blockchain; a decentralised peer-to-peer payment system; and a cryptocurrency called Bitcoin.
Fast forward to the present: The jury is still out when it comes to deciding on how innovative Bitcoin turned out to be. From one point you could argue that it has been probably the biggest game-changer since the arrival of the internet, because of the potential of the blockchain technology and the arrival of a completely new token economy. From another point, you could rightfully say that the financial system is more likely to gain advantages from the underlying technology rather than to be kicked out of the game - and that bitcoin failed as a payment system.
A remarkable example of Stablecoin is the DaVinci Token, the title of a digital ownership of an irreversibly allocated DaVinci Gold Coin weighing one ounce of 24 carat gold. This innovative crypto gold concept was developed by Roger Kinsbourg, the founder of Gold Global, along with his co-founder team. The company was established in June 2016 and is now based in Geneva, where it is focused on the further development of the digital crypto gold concept. The DaVinci Token is designed specifically to tokenize gold thereby enabling anyone to own and trade gold safely without the need for intermediaries. The Gold Global digital gold platform, backed by the company’s own private blockchain developed in collaboration with Worldline and using the DaVinci Token as a stablecoin, provides clients with all the security they require. Gold Global chose Worldline as their service provider to develop its blockchain because of Worldline’s position at the forefront of the digital revolution.
Around the world, interest is growing to develop new forms of digital currency that are decentralised and based on blockchain but do not suffer from volatility. Read the full articles on Stablecoin and DaVinci Token from Worldline’s Chief Innovation Officer Nicolas Kozakiewicz to find out why Bitcoin failed as a payment system and learn more about the newly arrived practical cryptocurrency, as stable as a dollar or a euro: the stablecoin.