With a score of 86/100, Worldline obtains the “Platinum” medal as part of its 5th assessment by EcoVadis
With this new recognition, Worldline confirms its leading position among the TOP 1% of the most sustainable companies all industries included
Bezons — 01 / 12 / 2020
Worldline [Euronext: WLN], the European market leader in payment and transaction services, is proud to achieve “Platinum” level recognition Medal by the independent non-financial rating agency EcoVadis for the fifth year. With a 3-point improvement on its global ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) performance compared to 2019, Worldline has recorded an overall score of 86/100 in recognition of the continued progress made through its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach.

With this ranking, the highest distinction awarded by EcoVadis, Worldline positions itself in the TOP 1% of the most sustainable companies assessed by the financial platform in all sectors. This award confirms the company’s long-term commitment to sustainable development, supported by its TRUST 2020 programme in the following areas assessed by EcoVadis: labour & human rights, ethics, environment and sustainable procurement.
Worldline has performed particularly well on social matters and especially in the area of Labor & human rights, improving significantly its performance with a 10-point gain compared to previous year, reaching a score of 90/100. This outstanding result is mainly due to the rigorous efforts made by the Company as part of its responsible employer strategy. A wide array of measures and actions have been reinforced and implemented, such as more formal processes for employee career and development management, strengthened actions to fight against discrimination and harassment, a reinforced interactive communication plan toward employees on well-being and working conditions especially during the COVID-19 pandemic period and the setting up of a negotiating group for the establishment of a European works council.
Regarding the environment, Worldline maintains its good score of 80/100 pursuing its trajectory towards a low-carbon company to fight against climate change by reducing, limiting and neutralizing carbon emissions linked to its activities. Since 2019, all emissions from Worldline data centers, offices, business travel and payment terminals have been offset, positioning the Company as the 1st payments player to contribute to the carbon neutrality of the ecosystem. Worldline has also set new climate objectives aligned with the SBTi (Sciences Based Targets initiative[1]):
- Reduce its carbon intensity by 2.67% each year, in line with its objectives validated by the SBTi, i.e. -19% by 2025 and -45% by 2035, compared to 2018;
- Continue the ISO 14001 certification of its strategic data centers and offices with more than 500 employees;
- Achieve an average PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness[2]) of 1.65 by 2020 in its data centers;
- Supply 100% renewable energy for the Group's electricity consumption;
- Continue to contribute to carbon neutrality by offsetting 100% of residual CO2 emissions related to its activities.
Regarding Ethics, Worldline once again received a score of 90/100 confirming its ability to promote and influence responsible behaviours and practices throughout its value chain.
"I am proud that once again this year, Worldline has been distinguished as one of EcoVadis-rated most sustainable companies. Our high score rewards the commitment and collective work of our teams and is even more important this year in the current macroeconomic context of the Covid-19 health crisis. Worldline has an ambitious vision of its social and environmental responsibility, and we made it even more concrete in June 2020, when we officially launched our Company purpose (“raison d’être”) to gather the Worldline community around a long-term, coherent and shared vision. "
Sébastien Mandron, Head of CSR at Worldline
[1] Learn more about SBTi initiative
[2] Power usage effectiveness (PUE) is a ratio that describes how efficiently a computer data center uses energy
Worldline [Euronext: WLN] is the European leader in the payments and transactional services industry and #4 player worldwide. With its global reach and its commitment to innovation, Worldline is the technology partner of choice for merchants, banks and third-party acquirers as well as public transport operators, government agencies and industrial companies in all sectors. Powered by over 20,000 employees in more than 50 countries, Worldline provides its clients with sustainable, trusted and secure solutions across the payment value chain, fostering their business growth wherever they are. Services offered by Worldline in the areas of Merchant Services; Terminals, Solutions & Services; Financial Services and Mobility & e-Transactional Services include domestic and cross-border commercial acquiring, both in-store and online, highly-secure payment transaction processing, a broad portfolio of payment terminals as well as e-ticketing and digital services in the industrial environment. In 2019 Worldline generated a proforma revenue of 5.3 billion euros. worldline.com
EcoVadis is a provider of business sustainability ratings, intelligence and collaborative performance improvement tools for global supply chains. The EcoVadis methodology is at the core of our CSR analysis system, covering 21 criteria across four themes of Environment, Fair labour & human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. The methodology is built on international CSR standards including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and the ISO 26000; covering 190 spend categories and 150 countries. For more information about EcoVadis: https://www.ecovadis.com/us/
For more methodological information about the awarding of medals and related level of commitment, please visit EcoVadis website.
For more information about Worldline’s CSR strategy and commitment, please read our 2019 integrated report.
Hélène Carlander
T +33 (0)7 72 25 96 04
E helene.carlander@worldline.com
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